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Crop Industry Overview

Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Ministry of Agriculture


    Paddy rice is the principal crop in this district, occupying a total cultivated area of 19,901 hectares. Major dryland and special crops include sweet potato, Chinese yam, and mesona, collectively covering approximately 1,000 hectares. Proximity to the commercial centers of metropolitan areas has led this station to specialize in vegetables and flowers. The vegetable industry concentrates on producing plastic house vegetables, early summer watermelons, cantaloupes, and green bamboo shoots. Specifically, short-term vegetables are cultivated on approximately 8,567 hectares, with bamboo shoots covering about 5,895 hectares. Plastic house vegetables occupy around 300 hectares, of which 160 hectares are dedicated to organic vegetables.

    The district's floriculture sector focuses on pot flowers and bedding plants, with a cultivation area of about 206 hectares for pot flowers—including varieties such as poinsettia, chrysanthemum, petunia, rieger begonia, kalanchoe, and camellia—generating an annual output value of approximately NT$600 million. In fruit cultivation, Tankan occupies the largest area at about 1,554 hectares, followed by pomelo, peach, persimmon, pear, ponkan, and strawberry.

Crop Industry Overview